The company works hard to work within the Annual Regional Rates set out by the Health & Social Care Board. We currently do not charge a 'top-up'.
Please speak to the Home Manager regarding rates and bills. We currently do not charge a deposit or administration fees.
Due to the global outbreak of COVID-19 we are operating a no visitor policy as per guidelines set out by local government. We will keep this under review.
We offer a wide variety of choice and services users can request what they wish. We also work closely with Speech & Language Therapy from the Trusts to ensure safe eating.
Due to the global outbreak of COVID-19 we are operating a no outing policy as per Government Information. We will keep this under review.
The home works closely with three local GP's. Information Is available on request at admission.
Respite is subject to availability and on request.
Yes, in ordinary times we have programmes of activities for each of our homes which are available each day. Our residents have the choice to decide what activities they would like to participate in. For those who are less able we provide 1:1 activities to ensure interaction.
Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak we are offering safe, socially distancing individualised activities. This will be kept under review and subject to government guidelines.
Yes, of course. Our homes become your home and we encourage you to decorate the room to personalise them to help you settle in and feel more at home. Please be aware that it may not be possible to accommodate large items of furniture but if you have any questions please contact the home. Any Items coming into the home during the pandemic will be subject to a robust disinfection and cleaning process. Items may have to be quarantined for up to 72 hours.